Several payment options are available. You can pay in person by cash, check (except for marriage license), money order, or credit card. You can also mail your payment by check or money order only. Please include your full name, driver’s license number, and phone number on all personal checks and money orders. An online payment portal is also available for certain payments. Once payment is made, there are no refunds. Contact each department for more information.
Mail checks to:
401 West Markham St.
Little Rock, AR 72201
Court fine or fee payments can be made by credit card, money order, cash, or check. Credit card payments can also be made online using the payment portal.
Payments can be made in person by credit card, money order, cash, or check.
Central Receiving
Payments can be made in person by credit card, money order, cash, or check.
County Records
Payments can be made in person by credit card, money order, cash, or check. Credit card payments can also be made online using the payment portal.
Marriage License
Payments must be made in person by credit card or cash only. Checks and money orders are not accepted.
Real Estate
Payments can be made in person by credit card, money order, cash, or check. Credit card payments can also be made online using the payment portal.
Voter Registration
Payments can be made in person by credit card, money order, cash, or check